Clean Energy

Rooftop Solar Power Plants

Grid-Connected or On-Grid Rooftop Solar Power Plants are distributed power generating systems which require shadow-free roof area for installing photovoltaic modules and the power generated therein is utilized by the consumer during the day. In case the power generated by the solar plant is more than what is consumed, the excess power is fed back into the grid under Net Metering mechanism.

Ground Mounted Solar Power Plants

These include large scale projects that are from 1MWp – 50MWp and can be used by a variety of energy consumers depending on the type of contract. On-site ground mounted solar projects are for captive consumption by one energy consumer with land availability. Group captive ground mounted solar projects are for a collection of energy consumers willing to invest in the plant. Utility scale ground mounted solar projects are developed to feed clean energy into the utility grid.

Battery Based Storage Solutions

One of the major advantages of solar power is that it can be stored for later use in a battery bank. Instead of diverting excess power generated from the solar plant to the Utility grid, energy is stored in the battery which makes for a perfect backup solution in case of power cuts and grid failures. Since inception, U-Solar has setup several battery based solar power plants for commercial and domestic consumers.

Innovative Integrated Solar Solutions

To fully adopt clean energy there must be innovations in integrating PV modules when there isn’t sufficient area available on the roof or on the ground for mounting solar PV modules. This should not become a deterrent to adopt solar, as U-Solar offers a wide range of solutions to address these situations as well. Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV), Carport Structures or Elevated solar power plants for residences are all innovative ways to adopt solar power for captive use.

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Pioneers in customized solar system integration

Design and engineering team work on the O&M

14+ years of solar plant execution in all segments

Why choose clean energy?

a. United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #7 – Clean and affordable energy access to all
b. Contribute significantly towards Govt. of India’s targets for rooftop solar by 2022

Adopt a solar power plant without investment

Why use solar energy?

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