Adoption Models



No Upfront Investment Cost

Reduced Use of Fossil Fuels

PPA for 20 to 25 Years

Adopt rooftop Solar At Your Facility With No Upfront Investment​

If you run a large building facility which is a factory, hospital, hotel, school, college, corporate office, government office, chances are that you have considered rooftop solar PV to provide a part of your energy needs. After all, the benefits are compelling – lower power bills, lower generator usage, export of surplus power to the grid during holidays, clean energy credentials and attractive ROI in the long term. However, it is likely that the plan for solar PV has not been implemented because of the high initial capital cost.

The Zero Investment Model

No upfront high capital expenditure on the plant: The expenditure for the rooftop solar PV system will be beared by the EPC. You have the option to buy-out the plant if you want to.
The system will reduce your dependence on expensive captive diesel power Enjoy lower bills, lower generator usage and reduce dependence on non-renewable resources
Pay for the power consumed at competitive rates. You need to pay only for what you use. Just like you would your state electricity board. Sign a PPA for 15-25 years.
Maintenance and operation will be responsibility of the power plant builder. No need to worry about maintenance costs. Go solar without allocating large capital outlays



High Initial Investment with higher ROI compared to OPEX model, leads to short term liquidity challenges. OPEX Benefit 1 No / Minimal Investment required – your money works on high ROI projects & the savings start within 6 months of signing the agreement.
O&M needs to be outsourced or a separate team has to be trained to manage and operate the system, which is time & effort consuming. OPEX Benefit 1 Experts handle O&M, thereby reducing the risk & increasing the performance of the plant.
In case of system failure, the components replacement and warranty claims have to be managed by the client or by the O&M team outsourced by the client. OPEX Benefit 1 In case of system failure, the components replacement and repair are taken care of by the investor during the warranty and post-warranty period until the PPA tenure.
Risk of solar plant under-performance is borne by the customer. OPEX Benefit 1 Risk of solar plant under-performance is borne by the investors.
Customer can avail depreciation tax benefits of 40% of capital cost spread across 3 years. OPEX Benefit 1 Tax benefits depend on the developer/investor as they own the asset.
Customer needs to sign a long-term agreement, and legal risks are involved if any changes are required outside contract terms. OPEX Benefit 1 Any changes required to the existing solar plant can be handled with fewer hassles.

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Pioneers in customized solar system integration

Design and engineering team work on the O&M

14+ years of solar plant execution in all segments

Why choose clean energy?

a. United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #7 – Clean and affordable energy access to all
b. Contribute significantly towards Govt. of India’s targets for rooftop solar by 2022

Adopt a solar power plant without investment

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